Sedation Dentistry In Aurora, IL

At Smiles of Aurora, our priority is to make sure you receive the best dental care in a welcoming environment. Even though our doctors and staff are kind and gentle, some patients still experience anxiety when faced with any dental visit.

Quality dental care should not hurt, which is why we provide a variety of sedation dentistry options that our patients can trust. When you choose sedation at our Aurora, IL dentist office, you can relax during your visit as our doctors always use the latest treatment techniques to ensure both your safety and peace of mind.

Oral Sedation

If you suffer from dental anxiety, our doctors may recommend oral sedation. These anti-anxiety pills tone down activity in the parts of your brain that cause you to feel anxious or afraid.

Remember, if you opt for oral sedation treatment, you cannot drive before or after your appointment. Make sure you have a friend or family member transport you to and from your appointment.

Laughing Gas

Dental anxiety can prevent patients from visiting the dentist for checkups and much-needed dental work. If dental appointments make you anxious, our doctors can administer laughing gas to help you feel calmer during your visit. At Smiles of Aurora, laughing gas is administered using a mask, allowing you to feel more at ease within minutes

IV Sedation

IV sedation dentistry is a safe way to eliminate the fear and anxiety many patients feel during dental procedures. Smiles of Aurora works closely with an excellent dental anesthesiologist to ensure you have a pleasant experience during your visit. IV sedation dentistry can also allow our doctors to complete complex dental procedures faster!

Questions About Sedation Dentistry?

Do you have questions about our sedation dentistry services? Call Smiles of Aurora today for the answers you need.

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(630) 844-2640

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    8:00am - 7:00pm
    8:00am - 5:30pm
    8:00am - 7:00pm
    8:00am - 5:30pm
    9:00am - 3:00pm
    (by appointment only)
    7:00am - 1:00pm
    (by appointment only)

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